Executive Committee

Jacques Iffland


Jacques is a Partner in Lenz & Staehelin’s Capital Markets practice group, specialising in corporate law, securities regulation and M&A, with an emphasis on transactions involving public companies.

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Jacques Iffland

Prof. Touradj Ebrahimi


Prof. Touradj Ebrahimi is a Titular Professor at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL) working in teaching and research in multimedia signal processing.
He is also Executive Chairman of RayShaper SA, a Swiss startup company active in computational vision and its applications.

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Prof. Touradj Ebrahimi

Morgan Lavanchy


Morgan Lavanchy is Chief Legal Officer of Swissquote Group Holding Ltd and Swissquote Bank Ltd.

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Morgan Lavanchy

Takis Spiliopoulos


Panagiotis “Takis” Spiliopoulos is Chief Financial Officer and member of the Executive Committee of Temenos. Mr. Spiliopoulos holds a Master’s Degree in Computer Science and Business Economics, an Executive MBA and a degree in financial analysis (CEFA/EFFAS). From 2001 to 2019, before being appointed CFO of Temenos, he has been advising institutional clients as key opinion leader on technology investments and leading the technology research practice as well as numerous capital market transactions at Vontobel.

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Takis Spiliopoulos

Ariel Ben Hattar

Executive Committee Secretary

Ariel is a Partner in Lenz & Staehelin’s Capital Markets and FinTech practice groups.

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Rosie Ovan

Head of Operations

Rosie Ovan is CMTA's Head of Operaitons.

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Fedor Poskriakov

General Secretary

Fedor Poskriakov is a Partner in Lenz & Staehelin’s Banking and Finance practice groups.

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